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CCDB → Angiosperms → Compositae → Inula → Inula helenium L.
Name | Accepted Name | Gametophytic(n) | Sporophytic(2n) | Data Source | reference | ||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 10 | CHROBASE | TONGIORGI E. - 1942. Su la cariologia di alcune Inuleae (Asteraceae).. N. Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s. , 49(2): 242-251. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 10 | CHROBASE | TONGIORGI E. - 1935. Un primo contributo alla cariologia delle Inuleae. Rendiconto delle sedute e brevi comunicazioni.. N. Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s. , 42: 261-262. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | Slovakia Database | Murín A. & Svobodová Z., 1992: Karyological study of the Slovak flora XXVI. - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 39: 59-62. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | IAPT/IOPB | IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 8 | |||
! | Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | flora of NW Europe | http://wbd.etibioinformatics.nl/bis/flora.php?selected=beschrijving&menuentry=soorten&id=3988 | ||
! | Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | Flora Europaea | Rutland, 1941 | ||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | Poland Database | Pogan E., Jankun A., Wcis?o H. et al. 1990. Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish Angiosperms. Part XXIII. Acta Biol. Cracov. Ser. Bot. 32, 171-188. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 10(1) | Asteracea | Tongiorgi 1942 Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. (= Plant Biosystems) | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | IPCN online | Ma, X. H., R. L. Qin & W. B. Xing. 1985. Chromosome observation of twenty species of drug plants in Xingjiang. Acta Bot. Boreal.-Occid. Sin. 5: 149–154. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | IPCN online | Rostovtseva, T. S. 1984. Khrom. Chisla Tsvet. Nauka, Novosibirsk. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | IPCN online | Rostovtseva, T. S. 1983. Chromosome numbers of some species of the family Asteraceae II. Bot. Zhurn. SSSR 68(5): 660–664. (In Russian). | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | IPCN online | Dmitrieva, S. A. 1987. Kariologicheskaja kharakteristika nekotorykh predstaviteley sem. slozhnocvetnykh (Asteraceae Dumort.) flory Belorussii. Botanika (Minsk) 28: 23–33. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | IPCN online | Astanova, S. B. 1984. Chromosome numbers in the species of the families Alliaceae, Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Ebenaceae, Linaceae, Oleaceae, Lamiaceae from Tadjikistan. Bot. Zhurn. SSSR 69(11): 1563–1564. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | IPCN online | Jankun, A. 1990. In Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish angiosperms, part 23. Acta Biol. Cracov., Ser. Bot. 32: 172, 177–179, 181–183. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | IPCN online | Murín, A. & Z. Svobodová. 1992. Karyological study of the Slovak flora XXVI. Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 39: 59–65. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | IPCN online | Kuzmanov, B., S. Georgieva, V. Nikolova & I. Penceva. 1981a. In Chromosome number reports LXXII. Taxon 30: 701–702. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | IPCN67-71 | ZHUKOVA, P. G. 1967. Karyology of some plants, cultivated in the Arctic-Alpine Botanical Garden. (In Russian). In N. A. Avrorin (ed.): Plantarum in Zonam Polarem Transportatio. II. Leningrad 1967, pp. 139-149. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 0 | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Kozhevnikova, Z. V. & Kozhevnikov, A. E. (2012). IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 13 Taxon 61:895-897 | ||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Kuzmanov, B., Georgieva, S. & Nikolova, M. (1993a). Karyological study of Bulgarian Asteraceae. Vll. Fitologija 44: 16-31. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Kuzmanov, B., Georgieva, S., Nikolova, V. & Penceva, I. (1981c). Reports [In Löve, A. (ed.), IOPB chromosome numbers reports LXXII]. Taxon 30(3): 701-702. | |||
Inula helenium L. | Inula helenium L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Santos-Vicente, M., Rico, E. & Martínez-Ortega, M.M. (2009). IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 8 Taxon 58 (4): 1288 |